Employee Options

10 Nov

Who to hire is and always will be a very difficult question. Judging people from just a short interview and a resume is a very difficult task. They could come off as very nice people but have only two jobs on their resume that they worked at for less than two months each. In some peoples eyes this would be a red flag not to even interview let alone think about hiring them. This could be very deceiving their could be extenuating circumstances. Something along the lines of their boss not liking them or they were not given the proper chance; even something such as a family emergency or crisis. But there is really no telling this without calling former employers.
If the prospective employee has a great previous employment history that doesn’t necessarily make them a good employee. They could be lazy or have been working for their family members that couldn’t fire them. Skeptical employers could end up with the best employees or the worst employees. It is impossible to judge someone’s whole character off such a short meeting. Employees are hit and miss and without giving them a chance you may never know how good or bad they are. Choose Wisely..

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Posted by on November 10, 2011 in Uncategorized


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